Miyerkules, Agosto 29, 2012

Vincent S. Musne          2mk-B         Prof. Daigdigan
Econ211b                 Midterm Project


          War is a serious economic issue that we had faced before, since before we were born. It happened centuries ago, but war is still present and alive today. Different nations are forced to wage a war with the other nations, for power, glory, love, and for absolute resources. In times of conflict and despair of a nation, our national leaders provoke or challenge wars, mainly because war has many benefits and costs as well. Wars can initiate progressing technological advancements that will benefit drastically nations. These technological advancements such as supercomputers, high-tech weapons, and changing oil into other sources of power, are the beneficial to the nation. But on the other hand, war has a significant cost, a cost that will reduce the number of its citizen’s, as well as its infrastructures and its cities. Death rates are very costly, especially for the nations that are under.
          I personally think that war is very beneficial to a nation that is progressing, just like United States of America. They waged war with different nations just for power, the power to control natural resources. Oil today is the main source of power, US controls most of the oil sites in the world. They make huge profits that would benefit their nation with growing supply and unlimited demand for the people throughout the world. Another example of war as an economic issue is manpower, and china as of today is the next super power mainly because of their manpower. China has made its mark throughout the history, by scattering through different nations by negotiating and trading. But in the present time, they are rising and evolving so fast with their technological advancements and their ever growing population. One way or another, china today will just trigger war with the other nations for power and land as well.
          The downside of war as an economic issue is that it is very costly, in terms of mortality rate and nations own natural resources. To tell the truth, our natural resources as of today is depleting fast, so different nations are thinking of a way to maximize the supply of resources for the next 10 years from now. This is the dilemma that our national leaders are currently facing. Either wage a world war that would greatly benefit their own nation, or make your own source of power.

1 komento:


    Your views are nice. I'm glad that you composed such originally.

    Carry on!

    You did not include the source of your article.

    GRADE: 92%
